He is a Lecturer of Pharmacology at the Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Uganda with kin interest in Toxicology. He holds a Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community Health, BSc. In Pharmacology, MSc in Pharmacology and obtained a Ph.D. in Toxicology. He worked as a Clinical officer at Pope John Hospital Aber, Northern Uganda, and Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Uganda. He has taught at the university level from 2006 to date at different levels. At Mbarara University, he served as the Acting HOD for Pharmaceutical Science, Vice-Chair of the faculty of Medicine curriculum review committee, and is full Chair of the Faculty of medicine Curriculum Review Committee and a Member of the Faculty of Medicine Postgraduate Committee. He is a member of several organizations; notable Uganda pharmacological Society (UpharS) where he is Chair of the Research, Ethics, and Education Committee, Pharmacology for Africa (Pharfa), and East African Health Professional Educators Association. He is a trainer in Responsible Conduct of Research and an awardee team member of the Training grant from NIH; Mbarara University Research Ethics Education Programme (MUREEP) which developed a curriculum for training in Master of Research Ethics with specialization in Research Ethics. He was a team member of a group that developed and implemented the In-service Critical Care Nurses training which created a critical number of Nurses working in the Intensive care units in Ugandan Hospitals. He had training in Basic Laboratory Animal Science at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands with a Species-Specific specialization in Rodents in 2019. He is also a member of several grants at the local level. He is the secretary of the Mbarara Sports Club.