2020 - Volume 31 [Issue 13]

Case study

Management of Migraine with Ayurvedic Intervention - A Case Report

Kumari Archana, D. B. Vaghela

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2020/v31i1330312

Page: 60-64

Original Research Article

Antimicrobial Evaluation of the Extract/Fractions of the Millettia aboensis (Leguminosae) Stem against Streptococcus mutans

Eze E. Ajaegbu, Flora N. Ezugworie, Adaobi J. Dieke, Ukachukwu C. Ezeh, Adeniran J. Ikuesan, Adaora L. Onuora, Florence O. Nduka, Ese S. Izekor, Aduloju A. Tunde, Nnyeneime U. Bassey, Jennifer N. Ewa-Elechi

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2020/v31i1330307

Page: 1-11

Traditional Knowledge of Forest Medicinal Plants of Munduruku Indigenous People - Ipaupixuna

Patricia Chaves de Oliveira, Beatriz Costa de Oliveira Queiroz de Sou

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2020/v31i1330309

Page: 20-35

Mycotoxins Content of Smoked Fishes Sampled on Market Stalls of Ngaoundere and Antifungal Activity of Essential Oils of Cymbopogon citratus and Ocimum basilicum against Mycotoxin Producing Strains

Nadege D. Nganou, Eliane S. Tchinda, Alphonse T. Sokamte, Franklin K. Ngoualem, Steve F. Nodem, Marcel T. N. Beumo, Leopold N. Tatsadjieu

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2020/v31i1330310

Page: 36-47

Antioxidant Activity and Chemical Constituents from Stem Bark of Ficus abutilifolia. Miq (Moraceae)

Djankou Tchoffo Madeleine, Nyemb Jean Noël, Atchade A. de Theodore, Hamidou Abdoulaye, Talla Emmanuel, Sophie Laurent, Celine Henoumont, Djoko Tchuente Cyril Leonel, Joseph Mbafor Tanyi

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2020/v31i1330311

Page: 48-59

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