2019 - Volume 30 [Issue 4]

Original Research Article

Bio-guided Fractionation of the Ethanolic Extract from Leaves of Trema orientalis Blume (Cannabaceae), a Presumed Antihypertensive Plant from Congo-Brazzaville

Bonazaba Milandou Longin Justin Clair, Nkounkou Loumpangou Célestine, Carreyre Hélène, Bescond Jocelyn, Vandebrouck Clarisse, Etou Ossibi Arnaud Wilfrid, Moutsambote Jean-Marie, Ouamba Jean-Maurille, Thibaudeau Sébastien, Abena Ange Antoine

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430181

Page: 1-14

Synthesis and Characterization of Indium Tin Oxide with Neem Extract for Antioxidant Applications

R. Perumalsamy, G. Prabhavathi, D. Saravanakkumar, N. N. Shafeera, A. Ayeshamariam, M. Sivabharathy, M. Jayachandran

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430182

Page: 1-9

Quality of Guava Seed (Psidium guajava L.) White and Red Varieties on Different Substrates

Calebe Oliveira Crispim da Silva, Daniella Inácio Barros, Helber Véras Nunes, Bruno Henrique Di Napoli Nunes, João Lucas Aires Dias, Vitória Alves Cavalcante, Higor Silva Rezende, Igor Fayder de Souza e Silva, Dhenys Miller Jorge de Souza, Victor Hugo Silva Rezende

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430183

Page: 1-5

Anti-oxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Ethyl Acetate Fraction of Moringa oleifera Flowers

A. Rajeshkanna, M. M. Senthamilselvi, D. Prabhakaran

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430184

Page: 1-8

Histochemical and Phytochemical Analysis of Medicinally Important Plants

B. K. Sushma, K. S. Ashalatha, Preetam Ray, H. R. Raveesha

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430185

Page: 1-13

Prevalence and Antibiogram Profiling of Rotten Fruits from Different Areas of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

Mahmuda Akhter Akhi, Avijit Banik, Oshin Ghurnee, Nantu Chandra Das, Showmitro Nondi, Maruf Abony

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430190

Page: 1-9

Genome Status of Lippia alba Polyploid Complex Long-term in vitro Cultivated

Sirlei A. Julião, Juliana M. L. Lopes, Cristiane Zorzatto, Elyabe M. Matos, Lyderson F. Viccini

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430191

Page: 1-14

Bio Synthesis of Zn Doped AgTe with the Help of Allium sativum Peel Powder for Bacterial Results

M. Karunanithy, A. Afroos Banu, M. Ragamathunnisa, D. Saravanakkumar, A. Ayeshamariam

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430194

Page: 1-8

Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Used in the Al-Hoceima Region (Northern Morocco)

El Bouzdoudi Brahimc, El Boukhari Latifa, Barbara Hicham, Errabii Tomader, El Kbiach Mohammed L’bachir

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430195

Page: 1-11

Zingiber zerumbet Rhizome Essential Oil: Chemical Composition, Antimicrobial and Mosquito Larvicidal Activities

Le T. Huong, Hoang V. Chinh, Nguyen T. G. An, Nguyen T. Viet, Nguyen H. Hung, Nguyen T. H. Thuong, Abdulatif O. Giwa-Ajeniya, Isiaka A. Ogunwande

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430197

Page: 1-12

Extraction, Isolation and Characterization of Phytoconstituents in Urginea wightii

M. Smitha Raj, M. N. Shiva Kameshwari

DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2019/v30i430198

Page: 1-11

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