Influence of Certain Biostimulants on the Vegetative Growth of Annual Moringa (Moringa oleifera. Lam)
Huria, F. M
Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture Saba Basha, Alexandria University, Alex, Egypt.
E. H. Shaaban *
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research Department, HRI, ARC, Giza, Egypt.
M. K. Gaber
Plant Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture Saba Basha, Alexandria University, Alex, Egypt.
*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Due to the importance of moringa leaves which can help improve the dietary diversity and quality of households that need to improve their nutritional intake, being a potential alternate source of protein, and for the sake of increasing its growth and yield, this study is determine the effect of some biofertilizers, amino acids and seaweed extract on vegetative growth of moringa seedlings As well as, to find out the best fertilization treatment to improve the vegetative growth of Moringa and reducing the intensive use of chemical fertilizers. This study was conducted in the Experimental Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture (Saba-Basha), Alexandria University, Egypt, during two consecutive seasons of 2020 and 2021, to study the effect of biofertilizers, amino acids, and seaweed extract and its combinations on the growth of Moringa (Moringa oleifera, L.). The experiment was designed as split-split plot design it included 27 treatments with three replicates. The results revealed that the highest significant values of vegetative growth as plant height (171.8 cm), stem length (87.30 cm), stem diameter (3.49 cm), leaves fresh weight (70.61 g), leaves dry weight (13.35g), number of leaves per plant (72.03), and number of leaves per shoot (54.41) were achieved when the trees were soil bio-fertilized and sprayed with the investigated amino acid 700 mg/l + seaweed extract 700 mg/l + cerealine (T26) for both seasons of study. While the number of branches per plant (15.28), shoot fresh weight (138.1g), and shoot dry weight (24.07g) were concerned, the highest values were obtained when the plants were treated with soil bio-fertilization (Phosphorine), sprayed with amino acids, and seaweed extract, as the abovementioned treatments, amino acid 700 mg/l + seaweed extract 700 mg/l + Phosphorine (T25), for both seasons of study compared to the other treatments and control.
Keywords: Moringa oleifera, vegetative growth, Phosphorine, cerealine, amino acid, seaweed extract